Lou Coatney: Home Page
The more we learn about the Second World War,
the better our chances that it will be the LAST world war.
Wargame player, collector, and raconteur Sam Parker, upper left;
wargamer and Western Illinois University Military History Club President Bob
Klannukarn, upper right; WIU Military History Club Advisor CPT Ed Seger, lower right;
and me, lower left, demonstrating (ca. 1991) my World War II boardgame
GERMAN EAGLE VS. RUSSIAN BEAR, published on ERIC, Educational Resources Information Center, ED 361 256 [microfiche].
NOTE: I have another webpage at http://www.CoatneyHistory.com with many more games and cardstock model ships ... and other things like my own back exercises which ended my lower back pain, a math multiplication table for kids, etc.
Page contents:
FREE MILITARY/NAVAL HISTORY BOARDGAMES (to print off, assemble, and play):
- World War II History Boardgame 1ST ALAMEIN (basic/introductory) -- an excellent lunch-hour game.
- World War II History Boardgame
(a very fast and basic/introductory Russian Front campaign game, on my other webpage. Indexed on ERIC as an instructional aid).
- World War II History Boardgame
(basic/introductory ... like a "Battleships" having ship( unit)s that move.).
Published in Japanese in The Game Journal No. 11, in Oct04.
- Civil War History Boardgame about the Battle of Gettysburg, July 1863
(basic/introductory) -- IN PROGRESS.
- World War II History Boardgame 1ST and 2ND NAVAL BATTLES OF GUADALCANAL
(basic/introductory) -- an excerpt of my game SKY, SEA, AND *JUNGLE* -- IN PROGRESS.
- World War II History Boardgame MOSCOW DEFENDED!
(VERY basic/introductory -- another excellent lunch-hour game -- 15Jul07, rev. 7Sep09)
- World War II History Boardgame MOSCOW ATTACKED!
(basic/introductory -- revised, 3Oct05.)
- World War II History Boardgame WAR AGAINST RUSSIA (basic/introductory -- Revised 7Jan12). Map segments posted on my new http://www.coatneyhistory.com webpage.
- World War II History Boardgame THE RUSSIAN PORTFOLIO (more advanced).
- World War II History Boardgame STALINGRAD ATTACKED! (basic/introductory). (Revised, 19Jan04.)
- World War II History Boardgame about the Battle of Moscow, at brigade-division scale -- hundreds of units (more advanced) -- IN (INDEFINITE) PROGRESS.
- "Generic" Russian Front game units
FREE MODEL SHIP( PLAN)S (to print off):
- Simple Cardstock Model Plans for the Ironclads MONITOR
and MERRIMAC(K, CSS VIRGINIA), with Easy Game Rules to Re-Fight their Battle -- IN PROGRESS
- Cardstock Model Ships of World War II, with FREE plans for your own
FREE, PUBLIC DOMAIN U.S. Government ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence) ID recognition manual plans drawings of World War II ships warships naval vessels (Revised, 15Jul07)
FREE Naval Wargaming Scale Selection Program in Pascal
Copyright 1997 Louis R. Coatney
Photos -- and resumee (with link to my Katyn Massacre (1940) thesis, completed in 1994).
Cardstock Model Warships
Here is a photo (taken by FINESCALE MODELER photographer Darla Evans and published in that magazine's February 1995 issue) of some of my model ships:

The ships pictured are HMAS PERTH and RNeN TROMP at 1:600 scale and HMS LIVELY, HMS MARKSMAN, USS SIMS, RMS ARTIGLIERE, and HMAS PERTH at 1:700 scale.
I have also designed models the American BENSON/GLEAVES--USS MACOMB--class destroyers, BUTLER (Battle off Samar) class destroyer escorts (DEs), BROOKLYN class light cruisers, and British HUNT class escort destroyers ... and there are more on the launching ways!.
Click here to see some more information about and photos of my model fleet, including a photo of my model of the USS MACOMB, by local aviation painter Robert Johnson, curator of the WIU Geology Museum.
Also, there are articles about my model ships' design and construction
in the May-Jun97 SHIPS IN SCALE and May-June 2000 (U.S. Naval Institute) NAVAL HISTORY magazines.
If you like paper- and cardstock-modelbuilding, I urge you
to join CARDMODEL-L@home.ease.lsoft.com
AND I have designed a simple manual game system for naval miniatures/models--"Naval Action"--so that I can have a FIGHTING model fleet!
I have been doing a graduate level computer science project, under the supervision of WIU professor Dr. Lee Tichenor, converting my game design into (Pascal language) computer format.
See my game-scale selection subprogram, listed above, written in Pascal.
World War II History Boardgames
See the www.Grognard.com webpage for information on almost every wargame ever published. There are a number of writings about my games or by me on Grognard. (I'm especially proud of my review of the classic wargame, STALINGRAD.)
If you are seriously interested in wargaming, you might want to join
CONSIM-L@egroups.com by contacting consimlist-subscribe@egroups.com Many prominent wargamers and wargame designers and publishers are on this channel.
You can find me on the http://talk.ConsimWorld.com and NavWarGames@yahoogroups.com wargaming discussion lists.
You can go to descriptions of my games (listed below), if you wish.
- The Battles for Alamein[1997] (which includes 1st Alamein and was reviewed in PAPER WARS #34).
- German Eagle vs. Russian Bear, 2d ed., 1993. (Also in microform, on ERIC.)
- Sky, Sea, and JUNGLE: The Horror of Guadalcanal, August-December 1942 , my Guadalcanal campaign game, featuring "fog of war" and "Magic"/intelligence. (See the reviews on www.Grognard.com and in PAPER WARS #29. You may find my brief history of the campaign interesting, as well. )
- The Barbarossa File, my division-to-front-unit-level World War II Russian Front game on a 17"x22" mapsheet (which was panned in PAPER WARS #34 by Mark Olson. My riposte appears in PAPER WARS #37.)
- Dark Crusade, 3W, 1984. (If you have a copy, see the 2nd edition/revision units.)
- Russia's War, and The Great Patriotic War ... a disappointment.
- Clash of Steel, 3W, 1984. WARGAMER No. 31 ... double-blind, hidden unit/movement.
- Sturm nach Osten (I Shturmi na Zapad!), my old Russian Front classic in WARGAMER No. 19.
Rules for some of my games on other pages:
If you are a friend, and/or if you would like to share info and ideas about military
and naval history and game designing and cardstock model shipbuilding, feel free to
e-mail me at ELCOAT@Hotmail.com
There have been
visitors here, since May 10, 1999.
Thanks for your interest! :-)
[14Jan97, rev. 12Feb17]